PACES has a long history of service to youth and their families in Wyandotte County; a strong reputation as a trusted service provider; and a record of collaborative relationships with many community partners including school districts, local courts, local law enforcement, and the juvenile justice system.
As the safety net provider for Wyandotte County, we are dedicated to helping kids with emotional and behavioral health concerns and their families regardless of their ability to pay. PACES provides therapy, case management, psychiatric services, medication management, psychosocial groups, caregiver support, and emergency shelter for children and adolescents. Learn more about our services.
Our goal is to help kids, heal families and create hope on the road to recovery. We want kids and families to live happy, healthy lives.
- I am treated with kindness and respect.
- I am valued as an individual.
- I have options and choices in my treatment.
- My goals are acknowledged and supported.
- My strengths are important to my treatment.
- I am surrounded by people who believe in me.
- Me tratan con amabilidad y respeto.
- Soy valorado como individuo.
- Tengo opciones y elecciones en mi tratamiento
- Mis metas son reconocidas y apoyadas.
- Mis fortalezas son importantes para mi tratamiento
- Estoy rodeado de personas que creen en mi.